NEFF Demonstration Event – Finding Your Perfect Appliance

Have you recently been flicking through your appliance brochure, seeing those bold claims made by the manufacturers about why their products produce the best food? If only there was a way to actually see for yourself what those features actually do. Well you’re in luck, several times per year we run FREE events with NEFF at the Cambridge Cookery School showing the practical usage of these appliances and enable you to taste the difference in the food.

Revamped in 2012, the Cambridge Cookery School boasts a fully equipped demonstration kitchen with top-of-the-line NEFF appliances, all installed by Cambridge Kitchens of course. These appliances include: Circotherm slide and hide oven, combination microwave, compact steam oven and the induction hob. Giving the demonstration is NEFF’s very own home economist, who knows virtually everything about actually using these ovens and hobs. This means that you can ask those obscure questions that have been bugging you.

Sharon, the home economist who often runs these NEFF events, takes the time to go through the main appliance features. However, she is not simply explaining the features, she actually using the cooker for what it was made for… cooking incredible food! Banana loaf, lemon curd pie, sweet potatoes, oat cookies, puff pastry with chorizo, steamed fish on spinach and breadcrumb chicken are just some of the tasty treats being cooked in the demonstration. And yes you do get to eat everything at the end.

Sharon’s demonstration goes through each appliance and demonstrates how each feature works and discusses why some ovens are better for a particular type of cooking. For example, you may find it interesting to know that having the Variosteam function on your oven intensifies the taste and colour of cakes, and generally makes your food more succulent. She is great at recommending combinations of appliances too from an end users perspective, not a hard sell NEFF event at all.

Your oven is the most important decision for your kitchen, its very important that you pick the right oven for you, one that is going to fit around your style of cooking. This NEFF event enables you to get hands on with some of the best ovens on the market. NEFF have over 30 types of oven alone, not to mention the hundreds available on the market. No where else do you get such a great opportunity to not only get up close with industry leading ovens, but also to taste the food that comes out of them. Plus, because this event is designed for helping you choose the right oven for your new kitchen, you’ll get to meet other people in a very similar situation to your own.

Below is a video of the event to give you an idea of what to expect at these NEFF events:

These events are hosted at the Cambridge Cookery School in their recently renovated teaching kitchen located in the stunning surrounds of Cambridge. For more details and instructions on booking visit OUR EVENTS PAGE HERE.

If everything above wasn’t enough to get you excited about these events, take a look at these images. Yes, the food tastes as good as it looks…